The Power of Dreaming
Sun, Sep 11
|Evolutionary Minded Wellness
This class has ended, but we will be offering another on soon. Keep checking back.

Time & Location
Sep 11, 2022, 10:00 AM – Sep 20, 2022, 11:30 AM
Evolutionary Minded Wellness, 203 Butler St, Pittsburgh, PA 15223, USA
About the Event
Every night you access a mysterious field of intelligence.
This course draws a knowledge from esoteric traditions and modern science to guide you through this field so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential.
> Why we have lost touch with the dream dimension
> The laws of the dream and how they work
> If there is a real difference between dreaming and the waking state
> How to remember your dreams
> The infinite dream territories and how to distinguish them
> How to liberate yourself from nightmares and to use them positively
> Techniques to recover energy to direct towards your dreams
> How to awaken lucidity
If you are here it is because you are fascinated, perhaps just intrigued to understand something more about the exciting world of dreams. Maybe you don't remember your dreams, or maybe you dream a lot but don't know how to use this potential. If you decide to go deeper on this path, your idea about dreams and life itself will change radically. Through this knowledge you'll be able to live more consciously in both the dimension of the dream and in that which we call 'reality'.
This course is not an ‘abc’ of dreaming. This is a real, transformative and magical journey suited only for those who are ready to discover the powers contained within themselves.
The Power of Dreaming
Every night you access a mysterious field of intelligence.
This course draws knowledge from esoteric traditions
and modern science to guide you through this field so that you
can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential.
Course Description
Today, neuroscience confirms that our brain develops 15% more brain activity in the dream phase than in waking life, and that through lucid dreaming- the ability to consciously wake up in our dreams- it is even possible to intervene on one’s physical body, modifying it significantly.
For many indigenous people and ancient civilizations, dreaming is a real and powerful experience able to transform our plane of reality. When we dream we open doors to infinite territories, allowing us to get in touch with other intelligences, other timelines and other spaces that are infinitely different from the ordinary space in which we live our existence.
But how come most people today struggle to remember their dreams, or have never had a lucid dream? Investigating these questions and facing this extraordinary journey requires an investment of Attention, to recover what has been buried and forgotten inside of each one of us, but that is not completely lost. Are you ready to embark on this adventure with us?
What will the course explore?
Why we have lost touch with the dream dimension
The laws of the dream and how they work
If there is a real difference between dreaming and the waking state
How to remember your dreams
The infinite dream territories and how to distinguish them
How to liberate yourself from nightmares and to use them positively
Techniques to recover energy to direct towards your dreams
How to awaken lucidity
Is this course for you? Yes, if you want to...
Learn how to lucid dream
Better understand your dreams
Expand your personal and spiritual growth into the 30 years you spend sleeping
Learn how to integrate stress, anxiety, phobias, past trauma, or recurrent nightmares
through dream-work.
Access your higher wisdom and inner guidance while asleep
Who is the instructor?
Formica started to have her first lucid dreams when she was eight years old.
Her passionate journey into the dream dimension began early, first as a self-taught person and
then under the careful and expert guidance of Falco Tarassaco, founder and spiritual guide of
Damanhur. When he died, Falco left Formica the task to guide those who wish to awaken the
ancestral power of dreaming, and to transmit everything he taught her in thirty extraordinary,
intense and magical years. Since 2013 she has traveled all over the world to teach this
A native of Florence, Formica has been an artist all of her life. She moved to Damanhur at the age of 21, where she engaged in sculpture and painting for the Temples of Humankind, Damanhur’s internationally celebrated underground work of art. In 1984, as the construction expanded, she learned Tiffany style art glass from a Florentine master artisan and initiated the creation of the now internationally acclaimed stained glass works of the Temples.
From 1999 to 2006, Formica was one of the elected Guides of Damanhur, with responsibility for coordinating the activities and development of the entire Federation. Since then, she has been responsible for coordination of outside researchers, sociologists and filmmakers, all interested in understanding and portraying the unique social and spiritual experiment of Damanhur.
Formica today works as an Ambassador of Damanhur in the World and is a Gaia Education certified Ecovillage Design Education coordinator. Together as part of a group of Damanhurian women, Formica explores the mythology of Damanhur through music and voice, composing songs and ballads.
A great lover of Nature, she lives in a treehouse built around the trunk and branches of a beautiful oak; she is surrounded by the music the tree itself produces through the innovative “Music of the Plants” device developed in another unique line of research within Damanhur over the past forty years.
What is Damanhur and the School for Awakened Dreamers?
Damanhur is a Federation of Spiritual Communities founded in 1975 in the foothills of the Alps.
It is an experience of research into the profound values of existence, conducted through
exploration in every area: in the field of work, shared life, culture, art and the search for
Consciousness and the subtle energies that guide the universe.
Classroom and online
10 minutesShort Break